Conference Chair

Dr. Ponnusamy Subramaniam

Head of Program & Senior Lecturer / Consultant Clinical Psychologist Clinical Psychology and Behavioural Health Program/ Centre for Healthy Ageing and Wellness (H-CARE), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

He is an expert in ageing and dementia studies and has extensive research experience in psychosocial intervention for people with dementia. He has more than 100 national and international journal article publication. His research work has been published in highly recognized journals such as Aging & Mental Health, Clinical Intervention in Aging, PLOS One, Journal of Alzheimer Disease (JAD), Asian Journal of Psychiatry, Psychogeriatrics, International journal of environmental research and public health, BMC Public Health, and Frontiers in Public Health. Outcome of Dr. Subramaniam’s research has produced positive impact on community and resulted in translational outputs or education tools, for instance ‘Dementia Mini Book’©, WE-RISE – mighty mind kit© and Digitizing Personalized Memory Book for Alzheimer’s Patient through My-Mobal©. Some of his work is highly influential citations. As a researcher, he has presented his work in more than 50 conferences. He is an editor/special editor for Malaysian Journal of Psychology, Elsevier’s Asian Journal of Psychiatry and open access MDPI’s Brain Sciences Journal. Dr. Subramaniam is a reviewer for approx. over 50 journal articles since 2015.

Dr. Subramaniam was a Chairperson of Organizing Committee, “Caring the Person with Dementia-The Way Forward” Seminar, 2014 and Deputy Chairperson of Organizing Committee “Empower 2020”- an international virtual conference on Dementia. Dr Subramaniam was appointed as a head of scientific committee member for 4th Malaysian International Psychology Conference, 2021 and subsequently appointed as a chief guest editor for a special issue in Malaysian Journal of Psychology. He also was appointed as a scientific committee member for the 3rd International Conference on Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine (SilverAge 2021) as a reviewer for the abstracts. Currently, he is an elected Auditor for Malaysian Psychological Association, 2021 – 2023.Dr. Subramaniam received a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and PhD in Ageing and Dementia Studies from the Dementia Services Development Centre (DSDC), University of Bangor, Wales, UK. He has completed post-doctoral research fellowship training at the Geriatric Mental Health Services, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), University of Toronto, Canada.

Abstract Submission Deadline


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Final Registration Deadline

13th August 2024